Harrison Bishop BW Headshot.JPG

Harrison B

Harrison is an emerging voice-actor, theatre-maker, actor, and poet based in Wollongong, originally from Newcastle.

After graduating from the University of Wollongong with a Bachelor of Performance, Harrison’s most recent works include being a resident artist for Tantrum Youth Arts’ ‘Art About Not Making Art’, a cast member of Shopfront Arts Co-op and Milkcrate Theatre’s co-production ‘Tiny Universe’ and ATWEA College’s production of ‘Cosi’.

His voice acting credentials include a Mitsubishi podcast advertisement and a Hyundai podcast advertisement and he is currently recording audio lessons for high schools for various subjects from his industry standard home studio.

Harrison is interested in experimental and intermedial forms of theatre citing the works of Forced Entertainment and Matt Prest as major influences.

Note: This voice artist is not signed to any voice actor agency as yet and is seeking experience, and exposure to better their chance of securing representation. It is our belief that this voice is of the highest standard and we welcome all agents to approach us directly to sign them.


Thomas G B


Jake F